The chronicles of Baby Audrey Danielle (Tots) Martinez from womb to world

Jul 5, 2010

Latest Updates... and Week 33

So here we are in week 33! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated but things have been a little busy.

The last few weeks, Lindsay has been having to go to the hospital for the Non-Stress Test (NST) and ultrasounds to measure the amount of amniotic fluid. These have been a lot more boring than the first, but at least they are only 20 mins long. We go in they strap two monitors to her belly and listen to the baby's heartbeat for a while. Audrey seems pretty impressed by this, she likes to kick at the monitors. The nurses at the hospital say the monitors work like an ultrasound or radar... and Audrey doesn't like the noise very much.

I don't remember if I've mentioned this before but Lindsay has been feeling Audrey's hiccups. From what we've been told this is good, it means that she is starting to try to use her lungs!

Here are a few pictures from the baby shower (In no specific order). We have only got pictures from Tobi (Lindsay's stepmom), and we would really appreciate it if anyone else who took pictures that day could pass them our way,

During the gift opening

A cute little lamb

The cake

The Diaper-cake and keepsake frame of Audrey

Lindsay opening presents

The Gift table

Jessica (the Hostess)

The proud parents

The Manastee Ranch

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